It was a sobering moment when the request came in to Glen Post, Solix Manager, Pricing, Financial Planning and Analysis: for the first time since he began distributing coats in 2016 through the “Keep 100 Warm” initiative he founded, a school reached out to him asking if it were possible for him to visit again and provide another dozen coats. The weather had turned bone-chilling a bit earlier than usual and those in need of assistance were facing even tougher economic challenges in these days of high inflation.

Glen delivered another dozen coats to the school and by the end of the 2022 drive more than 350 coats were given to those in need across Morris, Sussex, Essex, Union and Passaic Counties as well as Philadelphia (where a grammar school friend of Glen’s requested assistance.) Over the years, through the generosity of donors including many Solix co-workers, Glen has distributed nearly 2,800 coats.

Members of Morris County Head Start with coats delivered by Glen.

“In 2016, I decided that I wanted to help make something good happen and I came up with the idea of a coat drive and presented it to friends and co-workers here at Solix,” Post said. “The outpouring of kindness has always been so amazing that I feel like I am simply a conduit for the kindness of people to get from one place to another.”

Although the large majority of coats purchased are for children, Glen occasionally buys some for adults as requested. One time while making a delivery to a home, he immediately recognized the women’s coat he had purchased worn by a mother of four. In one house, Keep 100 Warm had provided clothing for a mother and her four children.

A child receives a new coat in time for winter.

Working at Solix, Glen has seen the importance of the work done by his co-workers and the difference it makes in people’s lives whether it is helping provide access to critical utilities or financial assistance after a disaster or during a pandemic. Solix’ long tradition of promoting community service also speaks to Glen’s personal outlook.

“From the very start, Keep 100 Warm has been about community touching others in the community and the impact has been overwhelming,” Post said. “The impact of the work we do here at Solix is also great and I appreciate that I can be a part of both.”